Course covers Section-1- English language +Section 2- Domains of commerce (Accounts, Economics, Business studies)+ core/applied maths +Section 3- General aptitude test
Taught by faculty team with 53 years + cumulative teaching experience including IITian, Chartered Accountant, Delhi university Alumni, PhD etc
150 + hours of live classes with 2 way interaction for doubt solving
150 + hours of recorded videos for skipped classes
Live Doubt session after every chapter completion
Well framed study material covering theory concepts and 4500 + MCQ questions
180+ chapterwise tests covering 3600+ questions
25+ Full syllabus All India Tests based on NTA CUET pattern
In depth performance analysis of tests to improve the performance
CUET form filling and CUET university counselling support till final admission
For more information you can contact 9667402388
Why Join
Edupower has produces many 100%iles in CUET.
Edupower has the most experienced and knowledgeable faculty team in India including IITian, Delhi University Alumni, IIM selected teachers with a cumulative teaching experience of 30 + years.
Edupower provides Live classes with 2-way interaction.
Edupower provide doubt clearing sessions for 100 % concept clarity of the students.
Edupower provides well framed study material having 3,500 + MCQs compiled by our CUET experts.
Edupower provides rigorous question practise from wide sources.
Edupower provides regular test similar to actual CUET exam for self evaluation and constructive comparison of the aspirant.
Edupower provides special emphasis and classes on increasing speed and accuracy in the exam by teaching short tricks for solving questions.
Students gets access to our 24x7 online learning portal and APP to study, practise, take tests, and view their performance analysis.